Waste Water Treatment Plant

Sewage Is The Wastewater Generated From Domestic Operations (House Hold/ Offices/ Commercial Complexes/ Hotels/ Hospitals /etc.)There are some technologies by which we can treat sewage

Extended Aeration Process

Extended Aeration is a type of activated sludge  process with no primary settling and very long  aerobic detention time to generate less excess sludge overall.
BOD removal efficiency Extended Aeration>Activated sludge process.

Pretreatment-Settles untreatable material

Aeration– Bacteria to multiply-Oxidation of organic mater.

Clarification-Remove activated sludge

MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor)/ FAB (Fluidized Aerobic Bed Reactor)Technology

Moving Bed Bio Reactor-MBBR is a variant of submerged aerated filter technology. It provides a small footprint solution for carbonaceous, nitrification, C+N or in anoxic mode for de-nitrification treatment with very low capital and operating costs together with a low head loss.

  • Ring Pac Media-Boyant Carrier
  • Aeration system keeps the carriers with activated sludge in motion.
  • BOD/COD REDUCTION –large internal surface area contact)
  • Area Lesser then SAFF (<20%) & ASP (<40%)

Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film (SAFF Technology)

Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film-SAFF Technology incorporates  the advantages of Fixed Film Technology combined with Fine  bubble Diffused Aeration. SAFF is highly suitable for medium and low strength wastewater.

  • Area Lesser then ASP (<20%)  & higher then MBBR
  • Reduce the amount of BOD /COD and ammonia and nitrogen
  • No back wash-High Voidage
  • Reduce Operation Cost

SBR (Sequencing Batch reactors )Technology

  • Sequential Batch Reactor is a fill-and-draw Extended Aeration.
  • “Single Batch” reactor -Equalization, aeration and clarification.
  • Power consumption-40% Less
  • Solid retention time-10 to 30 days
  • MLSS 3000-10000mg/L
  • Minimal footprint.
  • Phosphorous removal Achieved
  • Lesser then ASP (<20%)& higher then MBBR
  • SBR is designed to minimize O & M cost

MBR (Membrane Bio Reactor)Technology

  • Membrane Bio Reactor -combination of biological treatment and high-efficient solids/liquid separation system.
  • Membrane -polyether sulphone ,pore size of 0.2 to 0.015 micro meters.
  • Block solids and bacteria, fats, oils, colloids, macromolecules as well as of most viruses.
  • Reduce Reactor volume up to 30 – 40 %
  • Controlled sludge recycle from membrane tanks prevents DO interference during anoxic treatment

Advance MBBR Technology (PVA Gel Technology)

  • PVA(polyvinyl alcohol) gel is a porous hydrogel that is ideally suited for immobilization of microorganisms essential for the degradation of pollutants.
  • PVA gel has a micro –porous (20 micron) structure in which bacteria can be retained
  • Quite high load is possible(5times)
  • Used in biological nitrification and denitrification process
  • Reduction in sludge production